Scientific Research

Trident performs scientific research for NASA in collaboration with several universities and its teaming partners. The areas of research is currently focused on:

  • Global Climate Modeling (GCM)
  • Earth Observations (EO)
  • Scientific Programming
  • Climate Impacts
  • Research on Sun (Heliophysics)
  • Earth’s Upper atmosphere, ionosphere research
  • Modeling of spacecraft missions and dissemination and publication of Heliophysics data
  • Education and Outreach programs and STEM promotion to high school and college students
  • Heliophysics research, simulation, modeling and data analysis.

Through its contract at the prestigious NASA Goddard Institute for Space Sciences, Trident’s Scientists assist in the development of three-dimensional general circulation models (GCMs) for simulating the Earth's climate system.Primary emphasis in the use of the GCMs is placed on investigation of climate sensitivity and variability, deduced in part on the comparison of model output to observation, including paleo-climate studies, remote sensing and in situ data, and on projections of decadal and centennial climate change.

In the EO research, Satellitesprovideglobalscaleobservationsofchangesinthe Earth system on a global scale. Satellite observations are analyzed to obtain information on the Earth's surface, atmosphere, aerosols, chemistry and clouds.

Trident accomplishes all of its high level research by extensive scientific numeric programming with structured software development methodologies and a regimented software life cycle development process. Trident runs simulations of the GCM models on a super computer environment to rapidly obtain the most accurate results.

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